Horizontal waves on water.


Kirchoff Lab Group

Principal Investigator

Current Lab Group Members

  • Sarah Torhan; Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering. Topic: FEW
  • Elphin Tom Joe; Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering. Topic: TBD
  • Bhavik Gupta; Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering. Topic: TBD
  • Matthew Bizer; Doctoral Student, Environmental Engineering. Topic: human dimensions of infrastructure resilience and innovation in socio-technical systems; U.S. states and innovation
  • Davis Manshardt; Doctoral Student, Natural Resources and Environment, Jorgenson Fellow. Topic: resilience capacity of water systems and climate adaptation
  • Berdakh Utemuratov; Doctoral Student, Civil Engineering. Topic: groundwater governance

Student Research Opportunities

If you are a talented, hardworking interdisciplinary (engineering + social science) doctoral student or interdisciplinary/environmental social scientist looking for a postdoc, please contact Dr. Christine Kirchhoff.

Open Positions:

Extended hand catching splashing water.

Our Research

Learn about our research in water quality issues, management, and resilient systems.

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