Chesney McOmber; Postdoctoral Researcher. Topic: drivers/barriers wastewater reuse; human dimensions of infrastructure resilience
Lily Michaud; M.S. Natural Resources and Environment (May 2022). Researched: human dimensions of infrastructure resilience and innovation in socio-technical systems in U.S. states. Thesis Topic: Examining Solar Adoption and Climate Action Planning in the Wastewater Sector. Currently: USEPA
Cristina Mullin;
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ph.D. (2020) GAANN Fellow
Thesis topic: predicting algal blooms in CT reservoirs; resilient water and wastewater systems
Currently: USEPA
Galen Treuer, Ph.D.; Formerly: Postdoctoral Researcher. Topic: water system resilience; water policy. Currently: Resilience Coordinator, Office of Resilience, Miami-Dade County
Julia Flagg, Ph.D.; Formerly: Postdoctoral Researcher. Topic: resilient water systems & usable knowledge. Currently: Assistant Professor at Connecticut College
Peter Watson; M.S. ENVE (2017). Thesis topic: wastewater infrastructure resilience. Currently: Doctoral Student, UCONN
Christopher Gill; graduated May 2017, with Honors. Gill C. (2017). Water Quality Violations, State Funding for Public Water Systems, and Planning Regulations and Requirements among States: A Review and Evaluation. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Alyssa Carroll; graduated May 2016. Carroll A. (2016). The Utility of Scientific Modeling through Co-production. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Brianna Church; graduated May 2016, with Honors. Church B. (2016). The Evolution and Evaluation of an Improved Soil Hydraulic Permeameter. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
William Grant; graduated May 2016. Grant W. (2016). Nitrate Contributions to the Niantic River Estuary: Two End-member Temperature Mixing Model. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Brian Tang; graduated May 2016. Tang B. (2016). Forecasting Transportation Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Connecticut. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Jonathan Bossi; graduated May 2015. Bossi J. (2015). Improving information use to prevent harmful algal blooms in Western Lake Erie. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Caroline Rando; graduated May 2015. Rando C. (2015). Evaluating and Enhancing communities’ willingness to adopt N-sink as a community based pollution mitigation decision tool. Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Jacob Griffith Gardner; Student Interview & Survey Research Specialist, BS in Horticulture/BA Economics, expected May 2017.