Three engineers wearing lanyards in a sleek modern facility gathered around a small black and white wheeled robot.

Career Development

We broaden career opportunities by helping learners develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies to engage in science & technology policy and transdisciplinary research.

Develop your career through internships, fellowships, education, and training. Whether you register for the Pennsylvania Science Symposium hosted by COPA-STEP, explore an alternate career in patents and intellectual property with The PAC Pathway, apply to one of the dozens of science & technology policy fellowships offered far and wide, or attend an informal webinar, LPE helps you develop a broad range of knowledge, skills, and competencies for your transdisciplinary career.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Attend informal, non-credit workshops, bootcamps and other trainings to build skills and competencies in science and technology policy, transdisciplinary research, communication science, patent/IP, and more. Discover both online and in-person events.

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